At Cherry Lane we understand that learning is a partnership between home and school. During the year we are likely to run a number of parent workshops to assist you in helping your child at home. Look out for these opportunities.
Purple Mash is an exciting and safe online environment where children can get involved in all sorts of creative projects to support their learning in Literacy, Maths, Science, Computing, History, Geography, RE, Art, Music, and Design and Technology.
Your child has a Username and Password to access their Purple Mash account from home.
This personal login is unique to them and will enable them to access the different activities Purple Mash has to offer and to complete any homework that has been set by the class teacher. Please click on the image below to access the materials.

Here are some helpful tips to make reading fun at home. Click below to download a copy.
Reading Resources
Maths support
The maths work your child is doing at school may look very different to the kind of sums you remember. Click on this useful little guide may help you with the differences and help you support your child's learning.
Maths resources