Year 5
8.45 am to 3.25 pm 
Welcome to Year 5

Looking forward to an exciting and fun year ahead! It is our goal to provide all pupils with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in Year 5.

There are high expectations for your child and we will do all that we can to help your child achieve those expectations. We require children to be active learners and take responsibility for their learning.  They can do this at home by reading, learning spellings and completing maths & English homework.  We encourage all pupils to access Purple Mash online to enhance their learning, a huge range of resources are available free.  In school, they will be required to listen, follow our school rules and complete their tasks to the best of their ability. We expect all pupils to:

  • Be respectful - respect should be shown not only in words but in actions also.
  • Be responsible
  • Be resourceful
  • Follow the directions
  • Raise their hand to speak
  • Treat others with kindness
  • Accept an adult's directions without answering back

We look forward to your active participation both in your child’s development and interaction with us. I am confident this home/school partnership will lead to the maximum improvement for your child in every aspect of his/her life.  By working together we will be able to better meet the needs of your child.


Mrs A. Chaggar

Upper KS2 Phase Leader 

Year 5







We have high behaviour expectations at Cherry Lane and expect all children to be respectful and kind to all adults and pupils.  Expectations are clearly outlined in the behaviour policy; behaviour matrix is followed by teachers in class for sanctions. The school Motto is ‘Support, Achieve & Celebrate’.



Children are expected to attend school looking smart in the correct uniform and black school shoes or plain black trainers.

Please ensure you write your child’s name on all uniform and PE kit. 

We encourage girls to have long hair tied back and small stud earrings and no nail varnish.




We encourage children to read daily and it’s important to hear your child read.  Please sign their reading log, four times a week.  Please encourage your child to talk about the book and ask questions. Comprehension skills are just as important as reading the words on the page.






Year 5 will wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE. This is to make sure that children get the full PE session and time is not wasted getting changed.  PE will be twice a week.  Please ensure the children have the correct PE kit – black shorts, House colour t-shirt and black plimsolls. The child’s name should be on each item of clothing. Where possible, earrings should be removed on PE days. We are required, for health and safety, to cover any earrings with tape. This can be uncomfortable for the children especially when they have to remove it

Children wear PE kit to school on the following days for Autumn Term 1 only:-

5T - Wednesday and Thursday

5C - Tuesday and Thursday

5M- Monday and Friday

Children should wear their white PE top with their usual school jumper or cardigan, black leggings, shorts or black tracksuit bottoms depending on the weather and trainers (velcro only) or plimsolls.

PE lessons change every half term - please see your child's class teacher to confirm the relevant PE days for your child.





Maths homework will be set on Learning with Parents and English Homework will be set on Purple Mash. Both Purple Mash and Learning with parents are secure child friendly sites. Homework will be set every Friday.




Test Monday & Friday

Children are encouraged to learn their spellings as it’s an important part of the curriculum.  Golden spelling test will be on Monday and Read, Write Inc spelling test will be on Friday.  Please help your child learn their weekly spellings.


School Council





The School Council is very popular with all the pupils, as it gives them a voice in school, and enables the whole school community to work together, and we shall be electing a new School Council for this school year.


The School Council is made up of two representatives from each class in KS2.  The Council meet regularly to discuss any issues that may be of concern, or that have been brought to their attention by other pupils.  These issues are then forwarded to Miss Tranter for consideration.



We are planning trips for Spring or Summer term according to the topics.  Trips are yet to be confirmed.

If you are able to help, please see your child’s class teacher.

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