Year 4
8.45 am to 3.25 pm 
Welcome to Year 4

In year 4 we aim to provide a fun and challenging experience for all our pupils. We have high expectations and standards that we support our children to achieve.  In order to achieve their targets we encourage children to be active learners and to take responsibility for their own learning. They can do this by completing any additional homework and by listening and completing tasks to the best on their ability in school.

We welcome parents to actively participate and support in their child’s development and interaction with us.  I am sure that with the support of parents and teachers working collaboratively, this will lead to the improvement of your child’s learning in every aspect of their life.  We teach and encourage our children to behave in an appropriate manner and to show a respectful attitude towards their learning and to members of the staff and other children.

Together we can give our children the roots to grow

and the wings to fly”



Useful information





Children should be reading at least 4 times a week and remember to sign and tick their log book. Children’s books will be changed once they have completed them and are able to answer questions regarding the text. Support your child’s reading at home by asking questions to develop their understanding of what they have read (see ‘How to help your child read at home on the School’s website).








Year 4 will wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE. This is to make sure that children get the full PE session and time is not wasted getting changed.  PE will be twice a week.  Please ensure the children have the correct PE kit – black shorts, House colour t-shirt and black plimsolls. The child’s name should be on each item of clothing. Where possible, earrings should be removed on PE days. We are required, for health and safety, to cover any earrings with tape. This can be uncomfortable for the children especially when they have to remove it

Children wear PE kit to school on the following days for Spring Term 1 only:-

4G - Monday and Friday

4NR - Tuesday and Wednesday

4R - Wednesday and Friday 

Children should wear their white PE top with their usual school jumper or cardigan, black leggings, shorts or black tracksuit bottoms depending on the weather and trainers (velcro only) or plimsolls.

PE lessons change every half term - please see your child's class teacher to confirm the relevant PE days for your child.

Weekly Homework



Maths homework will be set on Learning with Parents and English homework will be set on Purple Mash. All homework will be set every Friday All weekly homework will be based on our weekly Maths & English topics to consolidate learning. We expect all children to complete their weekly homework to high standard. Sometimes the class teacher may give children extra homework to complete based on the Topics they might be learning; this can be found on Purple Mash online. If the children have lost or forgotten their login, please speak to their class teacher.

Spelling test



Test on Mondays & Friday

Spelling homework is handed out on Friday and children will be tested on Mondays for Golden spellings and Read, Write Inc spellings will be tested on Friday.

Please help your child to practice them daily.



We are planning trips that fit in with our Topic curriculum in the Spring or summer term. These will be confirmed closer to the time.

If you are able to help your child’s class on their trip, please speak to the class teacher.






There is a high expectation of pupils’ behaviour within our school. We expect children to treat each other and adults with respect at all times. If at any point the behaviour of children is unacceptable, the class teacher will follow the school’s behaviour matrix when taking action. We are very lucky to have parents that cooperate with the teachers to enhance their child’s behaviour both in and outside of school.

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