Welfare and Medical

Mrs Ramsay is the Welfare Officer here at Cherry Lane, She is located in the welfare room from 8.30am till 3.25pm, and is available during this time should you need to discuss any issues relating to your child’s health.

The School is happy to administer prescribed medication from your Doctor/Dentist, but please note that over the counter medication will not be allowed.

If your child needs prescribed medication in school, you will need to speak with Mrs Ramsay as an authorisation form will need to be filled in and signed.

If your child suffers with Asthma our school policy is that we keep two Ventolin inhalers in school, one to be kept in the classroom and the other to be kept in the welfare room.  An authorisation form will need to be completed and signed.

If your child suffers from any allergies, Mrs Ramsay requires a copy of the hospital care plan from when your child’s allergy was tested and confirmed. This is a requirement that all schools must have, to enable a school care plan to be put into place.

For any other information relating to the above or any other health concerns you may have,  please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Ramsay, who will be happy to assist.