08.30 am to 11.30 am 
12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
'All children are loving our new arrival of baby ducks as they have now hatched in the Nursery'

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Cherry Lane Nursery.  Here in the nursery we pride ourselves on providing a warm nurturing environment in which the children have many varied opportunities to develop their confidence, social skills, independence and a love of learning.  Activities are planned in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage with a particular focus on children’s listening, attention and language skills; personal social and emotional development as well as their physical skills. These skills in combination provide the foundation for all future learning.

Play - Young children learn best through play.  In the nursery the children lead their own play based on their interests as well as through group activities guided by an adult.  Our nursery has been designed so that children can independently access and explore a wide range of high quality resources on a daily basis.  We have a lovely garden, which we think of as our outdoor classroom, providing children with opportunities to play and learn in a natural environment. 

We look forward to an exciting year full of diverse and creative learning opportunities for your child. Starting Nursery is a very exciting time for both children and parents as it is the beginning of your child’s journey towards an independent and successful life.

Your child will look to you for guidance and encouragement so:

  • Be positive and happy about Nursery;
  • Show your child that you are excited about them coming to Nursery ( even though you may be feeling apprehensive);
  • Talk to your child about what to expect and how their day has been;
  • Encourage your child to part from you happy and confidently.

Our team are always happy to speak to you about any queries or concerns you have and if you do not collect your child from school you can contact Mrs Rowlands via the school office on 01895 444480.

If parents would like to come in and help or have any special talents to share with the staff and children, please come in and see us!

We look forward to the year ahead.

Here are the topics that we will cover.

Autumn 1 Ourselves
Autumn 2 Festivals and Celebrations
Spring 1 Getting around
Spring 2 All Creatures big and small
Summer 1 Growing - Come outside!
Summer 2 Seaside holidays and Pirate Adventures
In This Section