Year 2
 8.50 am to 3.20 pm 
Welcome to Year 2


English homework will be on Purple Mash and Maths homework will be set on Learning with Parents.  All homework will be given out every Friday. Spellings will also be given out on Fridays and tested the following Friday. Please practice these spellings every night.


Reading is extremely important and we expect the children to read at home as often as possible (at least 4 times a week). Please ensure you sign the reading logs each time you read with your child. We will check their reading logs each week to see how many times they have read at home. Please note – it is not just about the children’s fluency in reading, but also their understanding of the text. Enclosed in this pack you will find a list of questions you can use when reading with the children. To meet national expectations, children should be reading at ORT Level 10 (Gold books) by the end of Year 2.  


Year 2 will wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE. This is to make sure that children get the full PE session and time is not wasted getting changed.  PE will be twice a week.  Please ensure the children have the correct PE kit – black shorts, white t-shirt and black plimsolls. The child’s name should be on each item of clothing. Where possible, earrings should be removed on PE days. We are required, for health and safety, to cover any earrings with tape. This can be uncomfortable for the children especially when they have to remove it

Children wear PE kit to school on the following days for Spring Term 1 only:-

2J - Wednesday and Friday

2R - Tuesday and Thursday

2Z - Tuesday and Thursday

Children should wear their white PE top with their usual school jumper or cardigan, black leggings, shorts or black tracksuit bottoms depending on the weather and trainers (velcro only) or plimsolls.

PE lessons change every half term - please see your child's class teacher to confirm the relevant PE days for your child.

Wet Mornings

If it is raining, Children can enter through the back of the classroom from 8.40am.  


Mrs. Rickerby

KS1 Team Leader 

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