Governing Body Register of Interests & Attendance
Instrument of Government
Phil Haigh - Co Opted Governor

Phil has been a Cherry Lane Governor for over 12 years, the majority of this time as Chair.
He is a Primary School Governor representative on Schools Forum where he serves as Deputy Chair, and chairs the High Needs Funding Group and the Early Years Funding Group Sub-Committees. Phil is the primary Governor Representative on the Schools Strategic Partnership Board and is Deputy Chair of LB Hillingdon Governor Executive Committee. He chairs a number of Admissions Appeal Committees for Hillingdon Schools and also some schools in other Authorities. He is a Governor of Meadow High School where he Chairs the Resources Committee.
Dale Lawrence - Co-opted Governor

Dale is a retired journalist, broadcaster and corporate communications practitioner with a wealth of experience in advising major international public companies in the UK and overseas. He has acted as a mentor and careers advisor to secondary and tertiary students for some 40 years, most recently at universities in Thailand, Malaysia, China and Taiwan but also as a Director of Young Enterprise in North West London. Dale is delighted to join the Cherry Lane Primary School governing body and he looks forward to guiding and supporting staff, pupils, parents, fellow governors and other stakeholders.
Mary Davie - Co Opted Governor

Mary has been a Parent Governor since 1988, when her youngest child entered the Junior School and has witnessed significant changes since she joined, and watched the school thrive. She became a co-opted Governor with excellent knowledge of the school. During this time the Junior and Infant schools amalgamated bringing positive changes and great benefits. Mary has worked at the school in various capacities after being in the accounts department at M&S and working in a Travel Agency. For the last few years Mary has been the Non-Teaching Governor. I began my work life in the accounts department of Marks & Spencer before moving on to a Travel Agency. She is now a Co-opted Governor again, and is proud of the achievements of the school and its future. Her focus is Special Needs and Safeguarding.
Farrah Chowdhury - Parent Governor

Farah has worked at Heathrow Airport for almost 9 years. She previously worked for British Airways and now works as an Aviation Security Trainer. She also has experience in Finance and Customer Service. She is a Parent Governor at a Secondary School in Hillingdon as well as a Parent Governor at Cherry Lane. Farah is an active member of the Community where she dedicates her spare time in Charity work to support vulnerable members of the Community. Her interests are reading and travelling.
Mr Mohammed Dairkee – Parent Governor

Mohammed has 18 years of experience in information technology covering program management, sales, and operations. He has extensive experience working in financial and telecom services and has a keen interest in STEM education. He also holds an MBA degree in general management from Chicago Booth University. Mohammed lives in West Drayton and his daughter attends Cherry Lane Primary School.
Amy Willis – Co-opted Governor
I entered the teaching profession as a qualified Primary School Teacher 11 years ago but quickly found my calling initially in residential autism specialist settings and for the past 6 years in a local secondary special educational needs school. I am currently an assistant head teacher, working with students with complex medical and learning needs in Hillingdon. Outside of my professional life I enjoy walking the dog and travelling to relax.
Yusuf Ismail – Parent Governor

As a parent governor, I want to help ensure that all children at Cherry Lane are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential. I am an experienced civil servant having worked on international issues in the UK and on postings abroad with the British Embassy in Qatar and the UK Mission to the United Nations in New York, where I was the UK representative to UNICEF including its Executive Board. I am also a long-standing volunteer with an international children’s charity based at children’s hospitals in central London.
Sarah Treadaway - Co Opted Governor

Sarah has worked in safeguarding roles since 2009 in neighbouring borough Hounslow and brings extensive knowledge to the board. She is currently working in Amersham at a Grammar school in the role of attendance and welfare, and is also a deputy safeguarding lead.
Through her husband her family dates back to the area over 100 years and her Mother-in-law attended Cherry Lane Primary School in the late 1950s